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383 results for the term de Classification: "Politique"
The Cameroon-Nigeria Border Dispute : Management and Resolution, 1981-2011
Lukong, Hilary V.
Regional Balance and National Integration in Cameroon : Lessons Learned and the Uncertain Future
Nkwi, Paul Nchoji ; Nyamnjoh, Francis B.
Neoliberal Bandwagonism : Civil society and the politics of belonging in Anglophone Cameroon
Konings, Piet
Prisoner without a Crime : Disciplining Dissent in Ahidjo's Cameroon
Mukong, Albert
I Spit on their Graves : Testimony Relevant to the Democratization Struggle in Cameroon
Tangwa, Godfrey B.
Cameroon's Social Democratic Front : Its History and Prospects as an Opposition Political Party (1990-2011)
Krieger, Milton
Imperialistic Politics in Cameroun : Resistance and the Inception of the Restoration of the Statehood of Southern Cameroons
Anyangwe, Carlson
Cameroon: The Stakes and Challenges of Governance and Development
Fonchingong, Tangie Nsoh ; Gemandze, John Bobuin
Gender, Discourse and Power in the Cameroonian Parliament
Atanga, Lilian Lem
Ethnicity, Citizenship and State in Eastern Africa
Tarimo, Aquiline S.J.
Crossing the Line in Africa : Reconsidering and Unlimiting the Limits of Borders within a Contemporary Value
Ngwa, Canute Ambe ; Funteh, Mark Bolak
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in Nigeria : An Appraisal
Igbinovia, Patrick Edobor ; Edobor-Igbinovia, Blessin
Kingdom, State and Civil Society in Africa
Kasfir, Nelson
The Politics of Nature and Science in Southern Africa
Ramutsindela, Maano ; Miescher, Giorgio
Peace, Security and Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
Lumumba-Kasongo, Tukumbi
Elections and Governance in Nigeria's Fourth Republic
Agbu, Osita
Issues in Ghana's Electoral Politics
Ninsin, Kwame A.
Political Economy of Post-apartheid South Africa
Gumede, Vusi
Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe : Beyond White-Settler Capitalism
Moyo, Sam ; Chambati, Walter
West Africa's Trouble Spots and the Imperative for Peace-Building
Agbu, Osita
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