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62 results for the term !Collection:"regional studies"
African Politics of Survival Extraversion and Informality in the Contemporary World
Endo, Mitsugi ; Neocosmos, Michael
Global Capital's 21st Century Repositioning
Makamani, Rewai ; Nhemachena, Artwell
Africa at a Glance: Facts and Figures : 16th Edition
van As, Elize
What on Earth is a Ruling Party in a Multiparty Democracy? Musings and Ruminations of an Armchair Critic
Kashoki, Mubanga E.
Slavery and Colonialism : Man's inhumanity to man for which Africans must Demand Reparations
Mushanga, Mwene
Critical Perspectives on Culture and Globalisation : The Intellectual Legacy of Ali Mazrui
Njogu, Kimani ; Adem, Seifudein
Africa Through Structuration Theory : Outline of the FS (Fear and Self-scrutiny) Methodology of Ubuntu
Mboyo, Jean Pierre Elonga
The African Conundrum : Rethinking the Trajectories of Historical, Cultural, Philosophical and Developmental Experiences of Africa
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Mubaya, Tapuwa R.
African Studies in the Academy : The Cornucopia of Theory, Praxis and Transformation in Africa?
Mawere, Munyaradzi ; Mubaya, Tapuwa R.
The Task of Today and Other Seminal Essays
Fonlon, Bernard Nsokika
Archie Mafeje : Scholar, Activist and Thinker
Nabudere, Dani W.
A Giant Tree has Fallen
Adem, Seifudein ; Adibe, Jideofor
Unite or Perish : Africa Fifty Years after the Founding of the OAU
Muchie, Mammo ; Gumede, Vusi
The African Union Ten Years After : Solving African Problems with Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance
Muchie, Mammo ; Lukhele-Olorunju, Phindile ; Akpor, Oghenerobor B.
Nation Formation and Social Cohesion
Victor Le Vine's Shorter Cameroon Writings, 1961-2007
Krieger, Milton
African Land Rights Systems
Tarimo, Aquiline
Globalized Africa: Political, Social and Economic Impact
Ninsin, Kwame A.
Africa: Facing Human Security Challenges in the 21st Century
Mentan, Tatah
The HISOFE Dictionary of Midnight Politics : Expibasketical Theories on Afrikentication and African Unity
Fossungu, Peter Ateh-Afac
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