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36 results for the term !Collection:"Gender Studies"
SheMurenga : The Zimbabwean Women's Movement 1995-2000
Essof, Shereen
SADC Gender Protocol 2013 Barometer
Morna, Lowe ; Rama, Kubi
Genre et Gestion des Conflits en Afrique
Touoyem, Pascal
Gender Relations in Cameroon : Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Vubo, Emmanuel Yenshu
Research on Gender and Sexualities in Africa
Bennett, Jane ; Tamale, Sylvia
Crossing the River
Hammeren Pedersen, Miriam Aurora
Chikamoneka! : Gender and Empire in Religion and Public Life
Siwila, Lilian Cheelo
Women and Power : Education, Religion and Identity
Mejiuni, Olutoyin
Gender, Politics and Land Use in Zimbabwe 1980- 2012
Mafa, Onias ; Gudhlanga, Enna S.
Gender, Science and Technology : Perspectives from Africa
Kitetu, Catherine Wawasi
Gender, Discourse and Power in the Cameroonian Parliament
Atanga, Lilian Lem
Masculinities in Contemporary Africa
Uchendu, Egodi
Global Exchanges and Gender Perspectives in Africa
Ouédraogo, Jean Bernard ; Achieng, Roseline M.
Women's Law and Grassroots Justice in Uganda
Wengi, Jennifer Okumu
Women, visibility and morality in Kenyan popular media
Ligaga, Dina
Issues in Women's Land Rights in Cameroon
Fonjong, Lotsmart N.
SADC Gender Protocol 2015 Barometer
Morna, Colleen Lowe ; Dube, Sifiso
SheMurenga: The Zimbabwean Women's Movement 1995-2000
Essof, Shereen
Gender and Citizenship in the Global Age : The Cases of Cameroon, South Africa, Eritrea and Zimbabwe
Amri, Laroussi ; Ramtohul, Ramola
Being and Becoming : Gender, Culture and Shifting Identity in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ukpokolo, Chinyere
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