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17 results for the term !Collection:"Environmental Issues and Ecology"
The Use of Social Science Research by Environmental NGOs in Africa : Evidence from Morocco
Hourmat Allah, Hind
Caractérisation de Carapa Procera DC et ses services économiques en milieu diola (Basse Casamance – Sénégal)
Mbaye, Edmée ; Diatta, Claudette Soumbane ; Diédhiou, Mamadou Abdoul Ader ; Diémé, Barnabé Ephrem A.
The Management of the Zambezi River Basin and Kariba Dam
Tumbare, M.J.
Dialogues in Climate and Environmental Research, Policy and Planning : A Special Focus on Zimbabwe
Chirisa, Innocent
The Green Building Evolution
Nhamo, Godwell
Mapungubwe Reconsidered
A Contemporary Geography of Uganda
BakamaNume, Bakama B.
Harnessing Land and Water Resources for Improved Food Security and Ecosystem Services in Africa
Oku, Effiom E. ; Asubonteng, Kwabena O.
Ecology and Natural Resource Development in the Western Highlands of Cameroon : Issues in Natural Resource Management
Lambi, Cornelius Mbifung ; Neba, Emmanuel Ndenecho
Flows and Practices : The Politics of Integrated Water Resources Management in Eastern and Southern Africa
Mehta, Lyla ; Derman, Bill
Beyond Proprietorship : Murphree's Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa
Mukamuri, B. B. ; Manjengwa, J. M.
Future Directions of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Africa
Mohee, Romeela ; Simelane, Thokozani
Local Livelihoods and Protected Area Management : Biodiversity Conservation Problems in Cameroon
Ndenecho, Emmanuel Neba
Inequality and Climate Change : Perspectives from the South
Delgado-Ramos, Gian Carlo
Management and Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa : Input for Mineral Beneficiation in Africa
Mujuru, Munyaradzi ; Mutanga, Shingirirai S.
Sustainability, Climate Change and the Green Economy
Nhamo, Godwell ; Mjimba, Vuyo
The Future of Mining in South Africa : Sunset or Sunrise?
Valiani, Salimah
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