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112 results for the term !Collection:"Agriculture"
L’agriculture et le développement rural
Owusu, Maxwell
Effective Knowledge Transmission and Learning in Agriculture : Evidence from a Randomised Training Experiment in Ethiopia
Tessema, Yohannis M. ; Tirivayi, Nyasha ; Nillesen, Eleonora
The Impact of Agricultural Extension Service on the Uptake of Various Agricultural Technologies in Ethiopia
Mesfin Hiwot ; Tessema, Yohannis M. ; Nillesen, Eleonora
Food Security in Epworth, Zimbabwe : Leveraging Rural-urban Linkages for Resilient Food Systems in Peri-urban Areas
Tawodzera, Godfrey
After Radical Land Reform
Muchetu, Gavin
La coopération non gouvernementale face aux défis du développement rural au Burkina Faso : L'expérience de l'INADES-Formation Burkina
Kouakou, Bela Émile
La question paysanne et le capitalisme
Amin, Samir ; Vergopoulos, Kostas
Les politiques publiques agricoles face aux défis alimentaires au Niger : entre succession d’échecs et nouvelles espérances
Youssoufou, Hamadou Daouda
Economic and Financial Analyses of Small and Medium Food Crops Agro-Processing Firms in Ghana
Afful-Koomson, Timothy ; Fonta, William
Increasing Production from the Land : A Source Book on Agriculture for Teachers and Students in East Africa
Coulson, Andrew ; Ellman, Antony
Crise de l'agriculture africaine
Gakou, Mohamed Lamine
Ménages et perspectives de relance de l'agriculture en Afrique au sud du Sahara
Mafeje, Archie
Crisis and Neoliberal Reforms in Africa : Civil Society and Agro-Industry in Anglophone Cameroon's Plantation Economy
Konings, Piet
Environment, agriculture and cross-border migrations
Vubo, Emmanuel Yenshu
Protection naturelle des végétaux en Afrique
Thiam, Abou ; Ducommun, Gil
Nomades et sédentaires au Sénégal Dakar
Weicker, Martin
The interface of agrarian structure, agricultural technology, reform and the problem of distribution and accumulation in ethiopian agriculture (1966-1980) : Monograph Series 2/96
Bonger, Tenkir
Agriculture, élevage & pauvreté en Afrique de l'ouest
Mbaye, Ahmadou Aly ; Roland-Holst, David ; Otte, Joachim
An Analysis of Costs Associated with Maize Storage Facilities Used by Rural Smallholder Farmers in Uganda
Anthony ; Makombe, Godswill ; Kele, Tumo ; Mautjana, Human
Economics of Banana Production and Marketing in the Tropics : A Case Study of Cameroon
Fonsah, Esendugue Gregory ; Chidebelu, Angus S.N.D
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