
Ouafa and Thawra: About a Lover from Tunisia

Poetry, Drawings, Essay

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Desimone, Arturo

Livrel 112p.
ISBN: 9781779064882
Ouafa and Thawra is a nomadic collection: well-travelled and restless, but with roots firmly in revolutionary Tunisia, a tumultuous country ìwhere people are sweet/ where even the hypocrisy is sweet.î Arturo Desimone travels fearlessly between genres, too, with sketches deepening the reading experience and a postscript essay on Tunisia before and after the ëArab Springí adding context to the poems (and offering the controversial but sound claim that the Arab Spring was catalysed by the events of 2003 in Iraq). Desimone is wholly original: his poems simultaneously draw on a breathtaking, freewheeling sense of linguistic innovation, and on a timeless well of imagery and mythology. - Jacob Silkstone, managing editor of Asymptote journal, co-founder of The Missing Slate
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