
Herding South

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  • Index

Omoko, Peter E.

Livrel 82p.
ISBN: 9789785739800
In Herding South, Peter Omoko spotlights the dispossessed and dystopian fate of minority groups in Nigeria, and the fractured social equilibrium that pervades the land, with its polarising and destructive effect on the peopleís psyche. Writing essentially as a troubled witness, the poet navigates through the horrifying pains and trauma of a people, instigated by the ineptitude and narrow-mindedness of their leadership. Omokoís intention in this collection ñ to speak home-truth to power in order to reclaim the peopleís humanity ñ is well delineated in the sardonic and emotive metaphors used in the poetry and the rhetorical force of its lines.
  • Dans le texte
  • Bouquiner
  • Index

